Author Guideline
Author's Checklist
Instructions to Authors
1. I read the requirements for manuscript submission and the guidelines for manuscript preparation. This manuscript was written according to the guidelines. 본 논문은 투고규정을 준수하여 작성되었다.
Yes No
2. The author's institutions and the funding body supporting this research have agreed to allow this article to be published. 소속기관과 연구비 지원기관으로부터 논문출판을 허락 받았다.
Yes No
3. This article has not been published previously in any other journal. Currently, it is not submitted to another journal for publication. 본 논문은 전에 출판된 적이 있는 논문이 아니며, 현재 다른 학술지에 투고된 상태가 아니다.
Yes No
4. The authors have read the final version and agreed on no conflict of interest. 모든 저자들은 최종 투고본을 검토하였고, 이해갈등이 존재하지 않는다.
Yes No
Manuscript Format
1. An English abstract be in less than 250 words. In addition, a Korean abstract be in less than 800 Korean characters. 영문초록은 250 단어, 한글초록은 800자 이하이다.
Yes No
2. The pages are numbered consecutively beginning with the title page. 표지를 포함하여 쪽 번호가 연속적으로 매겨져 있다.
Yes No
3. All references are formatted according to the citation style described in the instruction for authors. 인용문헌 표기는 투고규정을 따르고 있다.
Yes No
4. Each entry in the reference list is cited in the text. 인용문헌은 모두 본문에 인용된 상태에 있다.
Yes No
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

Frequency Quarterly
Doi Prefix 10.5656/KSAE
Year of Launching 1962
Publisher Korean Society of Applied Entomology

Online Submission
The Korean Society of Applied Entomology