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ISSN : 1225-0171(Print)
ISSN : 2287-545X(Online)
Korean Journal of Applied Entomology Vol.63 No.4 pp.409-412

A New Species, Selatosomus (Selatosomus) jejuensis sp. nov., (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Korea

Taeman Han, Sangwook Park1*
Korea National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Wonju 26441, Korea
1Research Institute of Forest Insect Diversity, Namyangju 12113, Korea


A new species, Selatosomus (Selatosomus) jejuensis sp. nov., is described from Korea. This novel species is recognized as endemic to Jeju island. We also provide key to species and diagnostic characters to compare with the other closed species.





Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

Journal Abbreviation Korean J. Appl. Entomol.
Frequency Quarterly
Doi Prefix 10.5656/KSAE
Year of Launching 1962
Publisher Korean Society of Applied Entomology
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