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ISSN : 1225-0171(Print)
ISSN : 2287-545X(Online)
Korean Journal of Applied Entomology Vol.62 No.3 pp.207-211

Unknown Morphs of Periphyllus allogenes Szelegiewicz, 1981 (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Chaitophorinae)

Jun Hyeok Ko, Wonhoon Lee1*
Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Korea
1Institute of Agriculture & Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Korea
July 27, 2023 August 24, 2023 August 28, 2023


To date, Periphyllus allogenes is known only in Korean peninsula, has been reported with morphological characteristics about only the aptera viviparous generation. In this study, we collected fundatrix and alate viviparous female individuals of P. allogenes samples from Gapyeong-gun, and Hongcheon-gun in Korea between 2021 and 2022. Herein, we provide new descriptions, measurements, distributions, host plants, and photographs of unknown morphs, fundatrix and alate viviparous generations of P. allogenes.

개성진사진딧물(Periphyllus allogenes Szelegiewicz, 1981) (노린재목: 진딧물과: 털진딧물아과)에 대한 알려지지 않은 형태 보고

고준혁, 이원훈1*
경상국립대학교 식물의학과
1경상국립대학교 농업생명과학연구원


현재까지 전세계적으로 Periphyllus allogenes (개성진사진딧물)은 무시성충세대에 대한 형태학적 정보만이 보고되었다. 본 연구에서는 2021 년부터 2022년까지 한국 가평군, 홍천군에서 그동안 P. allogenes의 알려지지 않았던 간모, 유시성충 세대를 채집하여, 이들에 대하여 형태학적 정 보, 분포지역, 기주식물, 생태 사진을 처음으로 보고한다.

    Periphyllus allogenesSzelegiewicz, 1981 is an insect pest that exclusively damages Acer triflorum and its distribution is only recorded in Korea. To date, aptera viviparous generation of P. allogenes has been described worldwide (Szelegiewicz, 1981).

    The genus Periphyllus is a highly polymorphic group comprising 52 monoecious and holocyclic species worldwide; however, not all morphs of Periphyllus spp. have been identified (Blackman and Eastop, 2022;Sugimoto, 2013;Wieczorek et al., 2017). For example, fundatrix generations have only been reported in approximately 10 Periphyllus species, and alate viviparous female generations have only been reported in approximately 31 species worldwide (Blackman and Eastop 2022;Essig and Abernathy, 1952;Lubiarz and Mackoś-Iwaszko, 2015). Recently, oviparous female and alate male generations of Periphyllus koeleruteriae have been identified (Junkiert and Wieczorek, 2019). However, before 2019, only apterous viviparous females, alate viviparous females, and aestivating nymph generation of P. koeleruteriae were described (Essig and Abernathy, 1952).

    Identification of unknown morphs and knowledge of their life cycle type are important for effective control measures. In this study, the fundatrix and alate viviparous generations of P. allogenes are newly described, and their distribution, host plants, and photographs are also presented.

    Materials and Methods

    Samples of P. allogenes were collected from Acer triflorum Kom, 1901. Samples were preserved in 95% ethanol and mounted on Canada balsam following the method described by Blackman and Eastop (2000). Images and measurements were taken using LEICA (DM3000 LED) and LEICA (CTR6 LED). Live specimens were obtained using NICON D 850. All specimens were deposited at the Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University.

    The following abbreviations are used for morphological features in this study: BL, body length from the head to the end of cauda; BW, body width across abdomen; Ant.I-VI, antennal segments; BD.III, basal articular diameter of Ant.III; Ant.VIb, antennal segment base of Ant.VI; PT, processus terminalis; LS Ant.III, length of the longest seta of Ant.III; LS HEAD, length of the longest seta of head; URS, Ultimate rostrum segment; HT.I, first tarsal segment of hind leg; HT.II, second tarsal segment of hind leg; HTB, Hind Tibia; FEMORA, hind femur; ABDT, abdominal tergite; ABDT.I-VI, length of the longest seta of Abdominal tergite I-VI, respectively; ABDT.VII-VIII, length of the longest seta of Abdominal tergite VII-VIII, respectively; and SIPH, Siphunculi. Following abbreviations are used for the provinces: GW, Gangwon; GG, Gyeonggi; JB, Jeonbuk; JJ, Jeonju; HC, Hongcheon; and GP, Gapyeong.

    Taxonomic Accounts

    Periphyllus allogenes (Szelegiewicz, 1981)(Figs. 1-3; Table 1)

    Periphyllus allogenesSzelegiewicz, 1981: 37

    Periphyllus triflorumiLee and Seo, 1992: 254, 262.

    Fundatrix (based on three specimens) (Figs. 1, 3A; Table 1)

    Colour. In life: Whole body dark, ABDT.I-III dark red; In mounted specimens: Head, Ant.III basal-middle part pale, Ant.I-III, apical part of Ant.VI, SIPH, genital plate, cauda, whole leg dark black; ABDT variably sclerites. Morphological characters. Body oval and large 2.787-3.250 mm (Fig. 1A), BW 1.689-1.955 mm; Head flat, HW 0.595-0.640 mm (Fig. 1B), dorsum head with 8-10 pairs setae, LS HEAD 0.141-0.189 mm; Antenna 1.282-1.481 mm (Fig. 1C), 0.451-0.455 × BL, 0.757-0.759 × BW, Ant.I 0.101-0.106mm with 6-9 setae, Ant.II 0.078-094 mm with 3-4 setae, Ant.III 0.434-0.529 mm with 11-15setae, Ant.IV 0.248-0.250 mm with 4-5 setae, Ant. V 0.212-0.231 mm with 1-4 setae, BASE 0.139-0.166 mm with one seta, PT 0.070-0.105 mm, Ant.VIb clearly longer than PT, PT 0.503-0.632 × BASE, LS Ant.III 0.128-0.171 mm, 3.764- 4.384 × BD.III; Whole legs pointed, long and numerous setae; FEMORA 0.675-0.779 mm; HTB 1.184-1.306 mm (Fig. 1D) with rows of spinules to apical part; HT.I 0.060-0.069 mm with first tarsal chaetotaxy 6:6:6; HT.II 0.179-0.190 mm; URS 0.129-0.142 mm (Fig. 1E), reaching middle coxae, 0.720-0.747 × HT.II with 3-4 pairs setae; ABDT variably developed spinal, pleural, and marginal sclerite part with pointed, short and numerous setae, stout and longest setae in ABDT.I-VI 0.221- 0.254 mm, ABDT.VI between with 56-71 setae; Stout and longest setae in ABDT.VII-VIII 0.228-0.265 mm; SIPH (Fig. 1F) length 0.077-0.109 mm, SIPH width 0.142-0.218 mm, SIPH width longer than SIPH length, SIPH with rows of reticulation, clearly developed whole part; Cauda width 0.183-0.233 mm (Fig. 1G), in generally rounded with 15-24 setae.

    Alate viviparous female (based on six specimens) (Figs. 2, 3C; Table 1)

    Colour. In life: ABDT dark red; thorax, whole leg, head and Ant.I-VI black; wing vein brown. In mounted specimens: head, whole antenna, thorax, SIPH, genital plate, cauda, whole leg dark brown; wing vein brown. Morphological characters. Body elongate and large 2.259-2.873 mm (Fig. 3A), BW 1.018 -1.306 mm; Head flat, HW 0.509-0.574 mm (Fig. 3B), dorsum head with 9-13 pairs setae, LS HEAD 0.135-0.186mm; thorax sclerotized; Antenna 1.423-1.714 mm (Fig. 3C), 0.596-0.629 × BL, 1.312-1.397 x BW, Ant.I 0.074-0.096 mm with 6-9 setae, Ant.II 0.064-0.077 mm with 3-4 setae, Ant.III 0.526-0.631 mm with 8-18 setae and 26-34 secondary rhinaria, Ant.IV 0.238- 0.303 mm with 4-8 setae and 6-10 secondary rhinaria, Ant.V 0.220-0.245 mm with 2-5 setae, Ant.VIb 0.154-0.172 mm with 1-2 setae, PT 0.147-0.190 mm, PT slightly longer than Ant. VIb, PT 0.954-1.105 × BASE, LS ANT.III 0.128-0.146 mm, 4.294-4.413 × BD.III; Whole legs pointed, long setae; FEMORA 0.628-0.771 mm; HTB 1.177-1.365 mm (Fig. 3D) with rows of spinules to apical part; HT.I 0.049-0.067 mm with first tarsal chaetotaxy 7:7:6; HT.II 0.184-0.199 mm; URS (Fig. 3E) 0.118 -0.143 mm, slightly reaching the middle coxae, 0.641-0.718 × HT.II with 2-3 pairs setae; ABDT spinal and pleural sclerite irregularly placed 1-2 pairs setae, stout and long setae in ABDT.I-VI 0.181-0.261 mm, ABDT.VI between setae with 41-54; Spinal, pleural part with numerous pointed setae, stout and long setae in ABDT.VII-VIII 0.217-0.282 mm; SIPH width 0.133-0.218 mm (Fig. 3F) longer than SIPH length 0.083-0.152 mm, 8-11 rows of reticulation, clearly developed except basal; Cauda width 0.164-0.204 mm (Fig. 3G), in generally rounded with 10-19 setae; Wing length 2.920-3.892 mm, Wing width 0.953-1.582 mm.

    Specimens examined. 3 fundatrix from Acer triflorum, Coll.#220515JH37, GNU, Hongcheon-gun, GW, 15.V.2022; 5 apterous viviparous females from A. triflorum, Coll.# 210429 JH73, GNU, Jeonju-si, JB, 29.IV.2021; 5 alate viviparous females from A. triflorum, Coll.# 220515JH38, GNU, Hong cheon-gun, GW,15.V.2022; 1 alate viviparous female from A. triflorum, Coll.# 220515JH50, GNU, Gapyeong-gun, GG, 14.V.2022

    Host plant. Acer triflorum Kom. (Aceraceae).

    Distribution. Korea

    Statements for Authorship Position & Contribution

    • Ko, J.H.: Gyeongsang National University, Student in M.S; Designed the research, wrote the manuscript and examined specimens

    • Lee, W.: Gyeongsang National University, Professor, Ph.D; Examined specimens and designed the research

    All authors read and approved the manuscript.


    This research was supported by the ‘Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development [Project No. PJ016285022023]’, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.


    Periphyllus allogenes fundatrix: A, Whole body; B, Head; C, Antenna, D, URS; E, HTB; F, SIPH; G, Cauda.


    Periphyllus allogenes alate viviparous female: A, Whole body; B, Head; C, Antenna, D, URS; E, HTB; F, SIPH; G, Cauda.


    Fundatrix and alate viviparous of Periphyllus allogenes on Acer triflorum.

    The biometric measurement of the fundatrix and alate viviparous females of P. allogenes in Korea


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    2. Blackman, R.L. , Eastop, V.F. ,2022. Aphids on the World’s Plants: An Identification and Information Guide. (accessed 07 July 2022).
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    4. Junkiert, L. , Wieczorek, K. ,2019. Description of the previously unknown morphs of Periphyllus koelreuteriae (Takahashi) (Hemiptera, Aphididae: Chaitophorinae), Zootaxa 4585, 360-368.
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    6. Lubiarz, M. , Mackoś-Iwaszko, E. ,2015. Morphology of fundatrices of the genus Periphyllus (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Acer platanoides in Poland with the first description of fundatrices of two species. Zool. Anz. 258, 6-12.
    7. Sugimoto, S. ,2013. Revision of three aphids described from a redvein maple Acer rufinerve in Japan (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insecta Matsumurana New Series 69, 27-40.
    8. Szelegiewicz, H. ,1981. Two new Chaitophorids (Homoptera, Chaitophoridae) from the Korean Peninsula. Ann. Zool. 36, 37-43.
    9. Wieczorek, K. , Lachowska-Cierlik, D. , Kajtoch, L. , Kanturski, M. ,2017. The relationships within the Chaitophorinae and Drepanosiphinae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) inferred from molecular-based phylogeny and comprehensive morphological data. PLoS One 12, e0173608.

    Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

    Journal Abbreviation Korean J. Appl. Entomol.
    Frequency Quarterly
    Doi Prefix 10.5656/KSAE
    Year of Launching 1962
    Publisher Korean Society of Applied Entomology
    Indexed/Tracked/Covered By