The genus LissodemaCurtis, 1833 includes 32 species worldwide with 20 Palaearctic species (Pollock and Löbl, 2008;Hallan, 2010;Lee and Lim, 2019). In East Asia, 14 and three species are distributed in Japan and in Russian Far East, respectively (Pollock and Löbl 2008), and Lissodema dolsandoensisLee and Lim, 2019 is the only species recorded in the Korean Peninsula by Lee and Lim (2019).
While working on Korean Salpingidae, we recognized that Lissodema laevipennisMarseul, 1876 previously recorded by Kim (2018) was a misidentification of Lissodema plagiatumLewis, 1895 after detailed examination of the specimens. Therefore, L. laevipennis is removed from the Korean fauna and L. plagiatum is added to the Korean fauna in this study. We provided a habitus photograph and taxonomic notes of the species, with a key to Korea species of the family Salpingidae Leach.
Material Examined
All specimens of Lissodema species used in Kim (2018) were re-examined in this study, and one of them is deposited in the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), Incheon, Korea (specimen number YYSSIN0000015417).
Taxonomic Accounts
Genus LissodemaCurtis, 1833 구멍썩덩벌레붙이속 (신칭)
LissodemaCurtis, 1833: 187 (type species: Lissodema heyana Curtis, 1833 = Salpingus cursorGyllenhal, 1813)
SpinolissodemaPic, 1919: 3 (type species: Spinolissodema unifasciata Pic, 1919).
StenoLissodemaDesbrochers des Loges, 1900: 6 (type species: Salpingus lituratusCosta, 1847).
ChilopeltisSeidlitz, 1916: 424 (type species: Chilopeltis insculpta Seidlitz, 1916).
Lissodema plagiatumLewis, 1895 네무늬구멍썩덩벌 레붙이 (신칭) (Fig. 1)
Lissodema plagiatumLewis, 1895: 255; Pollock and Löbl, 2008: 419; Iablokoff-khnzorian, 2008: 212.
Lissodema (Lissodema) plagiatum: Sasaji, 1988: 31.
Chilopeltis laevipennis: Kim, 2018: 23 (misidentification).
Description. See Iablokoff-khnzorian (2008) and Kim (2018) for detailed redescription and diagnostic characters.
Material examined. 1♀, KOREA: Jeongnam Prov., Nam won-si, Ayeong-myeon, Inpung-ri, 19 v 2009, JG Lee, YH Kim, on logs; 4♀♀, KOREA: Gyeongnam Prov., Hapcheongun, Gaya-myeon, Mt. Gayasan, 15 vii-05 viii 2016, JW Lee, wetland.
Distribution. Korea (new record), Japan and Russian Far East.
Remarks. This species is recorded for the first time in Korea. They are omitted here because detailed redescription and illustrations of diagnostic characters of this species were provided in previous studies (Sasaji, 1988;Iablokoff-khnzorian, 2008;Kim, 2018).
Species removed from the Korean fauna
Lissodema laevipennisMarseul, 1876
Lissodema laevipennisMarseul, 1876: 331; Iablokoffkhnzorian, 2008: 212.
Chilopeltis laevipennis: Seidlitz, 1916: 353; Pollock and Löbl 2008: 418.
Platylissodema laevipennis: Blair, 1919: 118.
Lissodema (Chilopeltis) laevipennis: Sasaji, 1988: 31.
Distribution. Japan.
Remarks. This species had been placed as a species of the genus Chilopeltis Seidlitz, but the genus was synonymized under the genus Lissodema Curtis by Iablokoff-khnzorian (2008).
The Korean record of this species by Kim (2018) is an incorrect identification of Lissodema plagiatum Lewis. Lissomdema laevipennis can be distinguished from L. plagiatum by characters of elytra without punctate-striate and shape of pronotum. The species is currently reported only in Japan, but is most likely to be distributed in Korea because of a widely distributed species in Japanese Archipelago.
Key to Korean species of the family Salpingidae Leach (modified Kim, 2018)
1. Procoxal cavity narrowly open behind; meso- and metacoxal cavities moderately to widely separated; elytra without punctate-striate (genus Elacatis) ····················· 2
2. Body length 3.5-7.5 mm; antennae distinctly longer than head width; pronotum distinctly wider than head ··········· ······························································ Elacatis kraatzi
3. Head without distinct rostrum; lateral margins of pronotum with ridge or denticle; elytra with maculation (genus Lissodema) ·································································· 4
4. Body length less than 2.0 mm; antennomere 10 slightly transverse; pronotum transverse, with distinct ridge ······ ·············································· Lissodema dolsandoensis