Members of the family Biphyllidae are known as false skin beetles. They are about 2 to 4 mm in length and can be distinguished by the 5-5-5 tarsal formula, the closed procoxal cavities, and the presence of lateral and/or femoral lines on the first abdominal sternite (Goodrich, 2000). There are 200 species under seven genera in the world (Zhang, 2011), 29 species belonging to two genera in the Palaearctic region (Jelínek, 2007), and 16 species of a genus in Japan (Hirano, 2010). They live under the bark of dead trees and feed on fungi Goodrich, 2000).
The Korean fauna on this family was first studied by Park et al. (2012) with 4 newly recorded species belonging to genus Biphyllus. Through this study, the Korean fauna of the family Biphyllidae are known to 7 species including 3 newly recorded species belong to genus Biphyllus.
Materials and methods
A total of 285 specimens examined have been collected by Lindgren funnel trap at Nonsil (35°06′33.1″N 127°35′82.0″E 577H) and Hanjae (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H) located on Mt. Baekun-san, Jeollanam-do (JN), southern part of Korean peninsula from May to August, 2015. These adult specimens were preserved in 70% ethanol, before being mounted on glue boards. We used an Auto montage program for taking photographs, and used the Leica EZ4 HD binocular stereo microscope (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) for examining the external characters. Materials are deposited in the insect collection room of Sunchon National University, Suncheon, Korea.
Taxonomic accounts
Family Biphyllidae LeConte, 1861 배줄벌레과
Genus BiphyllusDejean, 1821 배줄벌레속
BiphyllusDejean, 1821: 102. (Type-species: Dermestes lunatus Fabricius, 1787)
Diphyllus Berthold, 1827: 393. (Type-species: Dermestes lunatus Fabricius, 1787)
Thallestus Wollaston, 1862: 153. (Type-species: Thallestus semiellipticus Wollaston, 1862)
Key to species of the genus Biphyllus in Korean Peninsula
1. Pronotum with a single longitudinal carina along each marginal side (Fig. 2. F and G) ··································· 2
2. Lateral margin of pronotum smooth (Fig. 2. F). Apical antennomere as wide as or slightly wider than penultimate. Dorsum usually bicolor; inner margin of profemur with a projection at basal one fourth ············································· B. rufopictus (Wollaston)
- Lateral margin of pronotum serrate (Fig. 2. G). Apical antennomere distinctly narrower than penultimate. Dorsum usually unicolor; inner margin of profemur smooth or simple, without a projection at basal part ············································ B. throscoides (Wollaston)
3. Pronotum with two pairs of longitudinal carinae, of which inner ones usually incomplete and obscure at basal part (Fig. 2. A, C and D). Elytral pubescence unicolor, or bicolor forming indistinct large markings (Fig. 1. A, C and D) ········································································ 4
4. Elytral pubescence bicolor, golden and white ones forming indistinct transverse bands (Fig. 1. D). Inner carinae of pronotum very short, reaching to one fourth as long as pronotum, and simple (Fig. 2. D) ·························································· B. lewisi (Reitter)
5. Inner carinae of pronotum connected with an anterior transverse carina and forming a semicircular line, reaching to middle of pronotal length (Fig. 2. A) ····················································· B. aequalis (Reitter)
- Inner carinae of pronotum not connected with an anterior transverse carina (Fig. 2. C) ·············· B. kuzurius Sasaji
6. Body larger, elongate, more than 3mm. Second submarginal carina of pronotum entire and distinctly bisinuate (Fig. 2. E). Elytral pubescence forming irregular, fine, cloud-like patches (Fig. 1. E) ··················· B. marmoratus (Reitter)
Biphyllus aequalis (Reitter, 1889) 둥근배줄벌레(신칭) (Figs. 1A & 1B)
Diphyllus aequalisReitter, 1889: 300. Type locality: Japan.
Diagnosis. Body length 2.2–2.6mm. Body reddish brown with dark in the middle of pronotum and elytral suture. Pronotum transverse and covered with irregular coarse punctures. Pronotum with two pairs of longitudinal carinae, inner carinae connected with an anterior transverse carina and forming a semicircular line, reaching to middle of pronotal length. Elytra covered with unicolor pubescences and coarsely punctuate striae.
Specimens examined. JN 1 ex., Hanjae, Mt. Baekun-san (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H), 25–31 V 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 2 exs., ditto, 1–5 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea (new record), Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).
Biological Note. These adults are collected under leaf litter (Hirano, 2010).
Biphyllus flexuosus (Reitter, 1889) 담갈무늬배줄벌레(신칭) (Figs. 1B & 2B)
Diphyllus flexuosusReitter, 1889: 300. Type locality: Sapporo, Japan.
Diagnosis. Body length 2.5–2.9mm. Dorsum black to dark brown, antennae and legs pale reddish brown. Pronotum with V-shaped shallowly concave in the middle of basal part and four or five pairs of longitudinal carinae, of which outer two pairs almost complete. Second submarginal carina of pronotum weakly arcuate, usually obscure at middle. Elytral pubescence bicolor and forming about ten white regular markings on brown base colour. Elytra with regularly punctuate striae.
Specimens examined. JN 1 ex., Nonsil, Mt. Baekun-san (35°06′33.1″N 127°35′82.0″E 577H), 11–17 V 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 14-20 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 29 VI–4 VII 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., Hanjae, Mt. Baekun-san (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H), 1–5 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea (new record), Far Eastern Russia, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Taiwan.
Biphyllus kuzuriusSasaji, 1985 애배줄벌레(신칭) (Figs. 1C & 2C)
Diphyllus kuzuriusSasaji, 1985: 11. Type locality: Fukui Prefecture, Japan.
Diagnosis. Body length 1.7–1.9mm. Body 2.2 times as long as wide. Body yellowish brown. Antennae with transverse ultimate and penultimate segments and forming clavate. 3rd antennal segment shorter than 2nd one, and longer than 4th one. Pronotum transverse, 1.6 times as wide as long; two pairs of longitudinal pronotal carinae presence, of which inner ones usually incomplete and obscure at basal part and not connected with an anterior transverse carina; lateral margin dentate minutely. Elytra 1.5 times as long as wide; pubescence unicolor.
Specimens examined. JN 1 ex., Hanjae, Mt. Baekun-san (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H), 25–31 V 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea (new record), Japan (Honshu).
Biphyllus lewisi (Reitter, 1889) 얼룩배줄벌레 (Figs. 1D & 2D)
Diphyllus lewisiReitter, 1889: 299. Type locality: Japan.
Biphyllus lewisi (Reitter); Park et al., 2012: 187 (Korea).
Specimens examined. JN 2 exs., Nonsil, Mt. Baekun-san (35°06′33.1″N 127°35′82.0″E 577H), 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., Hanjae, Mt. Baekun-san (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H), 18–24 V 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 14– 20 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 29 VI–4 VII 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea, Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima).
Biphyllus marmoratus (Reitter, 1889) 구름무늬배줄벌레 (Figs. 1E & 2E)
Diphyllus marmoratusReitter, 1889: 300. Type locality: Hiogo, Japan.
Biphyllus marmoratus (Reitter); Park et al., 2012: 188 (Korea).
Specimens examined. JN 39 exs., Nonsil, Mt. Baekun-san (35°06′33.1″N 127°35′82.0″E 577H), 11–17 V 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 17 exs., ditto, 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 6 exs., 14–20 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 14 exs., ditto, 21–28 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 17 exs., ditto, 29 VI–4 VII 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., Hanjae, Mt. Baekun-san (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H), 1–5 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 8 exs., ditto, 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 57 exs., ditto, 14–20 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 10 exs., ditto, 21–28 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 11 exs., ditto, 29 VI–4 VII 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea, Far eastern Russia, Japan (Honshu, Kyushu).
Biological Note. These species are commonly collected in southern part of Korean peninsula (Park et al., 2010).
Biphyllus rufopictus (Wollaston, 1874) 붉은무늬배줄벌레 (Figs. 1F & 2F)
Thallestus rufopictusWollaston, 1874: 172. Type locality: Japan.
Biphyllus rufopictus (Wollaston); Park et al., 2012: 189 (Korea).
Specimens examined. JN 68 exs., Nonsil, Mt. Baekun-san (35°06′33.1″N 127°35′82.0″E 577H), 11–17 V 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 7 exs., ditto, 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., 14–20 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 2 exs., ditto, 21– 28 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 4 exs., ditto, 29 VI–4 VII 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., Hanjae, Mt. Baekun-san (35°07′08.3″N 127°36′29.2″E 903H), 1–5 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 6–13 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap); 1 ex., ditto, 14–20 VI 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea, Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).
Biphyllus throscoides (Wollaston, 1874) 아기배줄벌레 (Figs. 1G & 2G)
Thallestus throscoidesWollaston, 1874: 171. Type locality: Japan.
Biphyllus throscoides (Wollaston); Park et al., 2012: 190 (Korea).
Specimens examined. JN 1 ex., Nonsil, Mt. Baekun-san (35°06′33.1″N 127°35′82.0″E 577H), 29 VI–4 VII 2015 (Lindgren funnel trap).
Distribution. Korea, Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima).